Monday, August 8, 2011

Second Place Victory.

I believe every new beginning needs a fresh start.
Every fresh start needs to forget a past...
and every forgotten past needs to be learned from.

This is my new blog.
One where I will be more guarded, but more honest.
Some post will be just what I've been learning in scripture.
Others will be what I'm learning as I set path to be a son of God, to be who I am, not who I long to be.
You can also except light breezy convo's and thoughts.
This is a new beginning.
One where I embrace singleness, face my failures and the forgiveness I've experienced and plunge into a graceful peace.
This is me, living my life. This is me, living my life in Him.

Enjoy my new site as I record the events, wonders, ponders, and dreams of my journey.

" Lets show them how to live, accept the pain, always forgive, watch the sun go down, learn the sound of following all thats Complete."

Lets learn from one another.

1 comment:

  1. Excited to see what is to come. Fresh beginnings are always good! I just did one over at my blog as well. :)
